We are here for you.
From Pending to Launch, you can count on us.
From Pending to Launch...
Business. It all starts with a passion and a dream. Doing what you love, sharing that passion with others, it's everything you ever wanted.
But... Where do you start?
How does a website get created and launched?
How can you make people aware that you have the goods and services they need and desire?
We've got you covered. At Penton Pending Consulting Solutions LLC, we guide Small Business startups and Entrepreneurs to answering all these questions and so much more.
Who Are We?
One has a Business background, with over 20 years of experience in Consulting for some of the most well-known and respected Fortune-rated companies.
The other has a background in IT, having worked with many of the biggest, brightest firms in Corporate America.
With our Executive Team, we can personally design and assist with building your brand.
Collectively, we all have a knack for business, a hunger for knowledge, and a drive to be of service to others.
Together, they are a Power Team. Dedicated to taking the administrative and technical aspects of launching a company out of your hands and putting them into theirs, so you can focus on doing what you love.
Together, we'll help make your business dreams come true.
We'll take you from "Pending" to Launch.
Bringing that business idea to fruition is just a few clicks away. Let us take you there.